Rural Student Rotations
Nestled along the banks of the Cahaba River in Centreville, the rural rotation provides medical students with an opportunity to practice full scope rural family medicine.
We would love for you to come experience our rural clinic, rural hospital, and small town community.
The experience is tailored to 3rd and 4th year medical students with a mix of family medicine clinic, inpatient medicine and call experience in our rural hospital. As a rotating student, you will spend time seeing patients in clinics with our rural residents and family medicine attendings. You may also spend time in a clinic with specialty providers, including a general surgeon, a psychologist, or a pediatrician. Additionally, you will be integrated into the prenatal clinic visit with residents seeing a panel of OB patients alongside an attending. Other components of the curriculum you may have the opportunity to experience are nursing home rounds, home visits, and suboxone MAT clinic.
While on call at Bibb Medical Center, you will help manage our inpatient census as well as work alongside the Emergency Room doctors seeing patients in the ER. Additionally while on call, a spontaneous labor may come in and you will have the opportunity to participate in a delivery.
While rotating with us, students are invited to stay in the rural guest house, located minutes from the clinic in Brent, AL.

When not working, our residents enjoy hanging out together, playing games, and watching the local high school’s sporting events.